Back to agenda Capital Roadmap for Innovation Essential or Non-essential innovations Challenge Thu 26 Sep | 13:15 - 14:00 AEDAS HOMES AUDITORIUM Premium VIP There are 3,5K proptech solutions existing in Europe, including 900 directly related to ESG. However, with inflation, rising construction costs, interest rates and low transaction volumes, the budget allocated to innovation is melting like ice on the sun. With this crisis corporates adapt their innovation strategy, their innovation focus, and sometimes seek direct ROI of innovation. They are forced to distinguish between essential innovations, that they must continue to invest in, and non-essential innovations, that they should cut costs on. To unpack this dichotomy, PropTech Lab will organize a visionary panel, in a format of a quizz, where real estate captains of industry will have to answer, on the spot, if certain innovation themes are essential, or non essential, in their perspectives. Speakers Ismael Gil-da-Costa Investment and Origination Director GFH Carlos Guinea Innovation Director Castellana Properties Inês Drummond Chief Transformation Officer Sonae Sierra Moderators Sara Trontelj Head of Development Programs Proptech Lab (Belgium)